on today's menu: gun control (or lack thereof) in washington dc via the supreme (ly reactionary) court...hrc's completely illogical supporters...and james dobson bending the bible.
the supreme court this week overturned the law denying citizens of washington d.c. the right to own handguns...of course this was a huge victory for so-called second amendment advocates and the nra...does giving the 18th ranked city in gun violence the right to freely own guns sound like a good idea???...i didn't think so...of course the nra are always happy to unfurl and unite behind the second amendment....but let's take a look at the opening line..."A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed"...A WELL REGULATED MILITIA!!!...what part of that statement do people not understand...the cornerstone of the second amendment was twofold...to protect our country from further attacks/invasions by the british...and to protect the citizenry from the instillation of a tyrannical form of government here at home...do we really have to worry about that still...i'm pretty sure that britain has gotten over their loss by now...as far as the second ideology goes...if we ended the type of government that the founding fathers were concerned about (and there are those of us who feel that it's already arrived)...odds are they would have the full backing of the military and folks with rifles and handguns wouldn't stand a chance (and no...i'm not opening this up to say we should legalize assault rifles)...no matter how well armed the citizenry were...do you think they would stand a chance against the technological supremacy that is our over funded military???...so..if we accept the premise that guns are an irrevocable part of united states' culture...let's talk about punishment...fine...you want your guns so badly???...then here's what i propose...if your gun is stolen and used to kill someone...you will be charged with second degree manslaughter...this should cover those idiots that say "well cars kill people too"...usually when a car kills someone it's because the driver is drunk or reckless and that person is charged with vehicular manslaughter which is considered involuntary manslaughter...if your child uses your gun to kill another child or themselves...same punishment...second degree manslaughter carries a sentence between 5 and 25 years depending on the egregiousness of the crime...put that in your pipe and smoke it you nra nutcases...
hillary clinton announced this week that her campaign would be unable to pay back the 20 million she borrowed against herself...oh the irony...she improperly funded her campaign while succumbing to the hubris that dictated she continue even though the electoral math could in no way work in her favor...yet she felt herself worthy of the highest office...wow...where do i start???...she obviously has issues managing money...yet we want her to fix the economic disasters that our country is now facing???...as far as her ego goes...how is her reckless pursuit of the nomination any different than the arrogance of the current administration???...to make it exponentially worse...her supporters demanded that obama help pay back the debt...which he did offer as much assistance as an individual could (a fact that the hrc brigade fails to understand)...let me get this straight...according to PUMA PAC (all 3 of them) and the newsblogs...there are still 18 million hrc supporters (more about some of these morons later) ready to hold out during the election or (worst yet) vote for mcdinosaur..if they all donated 1 dollar...that would pretty much cover it...here's what's killing me about the hrc supporters...they are saying that the sexist media and obama himself ruined her chances so some of them are refusing to vote for obama...refusing to vote at all...are even more ridiculous...choosing to vote for mcfeudallord himself...WAIT A SEC!!!...first of all...if they would actually look at the campaigns...before it came down to just obama and her...the media was treating it like a coronation ceremony...every news station i can think of had already predicted that hrc would be the democratic candidate...it wasn't until the field got whittled down and obama got some traction that the media took a long hard look at obama...secondly...as far as the sexism accusations go...hrc's supporters keep referring to obama's annie oakley remark following his misguided comments about folks clinging to god and guns in times of trouble (which is true but probably shouldn't be spoken during a campaign) and her response...sure...the comment was a bit off the cuff...but for clinton...a silver spoon fed (lest we forget that her father managed a successful textiles business)...wellseley educated...elitist to attempt to align herself with the nra was simply ludicrous...finally...for those hrc supporters threatening to vote for mcparchment...wake up and smell the proverbial coffee...here's what you'll get with a mccain presidency...reversal of roe v. wade...continued loosening of gun control laws...poorly thought out energy policies (like the gas tax holiday or offshore drilling) disguising themselves as concern for global warming...continued military invention in iraw...bombing (or at least assisting israel in doing so) iran...further lowering the taxes of the uber-wealthy and corporations...if you poor misguided souls feel that this is the path you want this country to go...then so be it...but if i hear you imbeciles whining about a mccain government...i will relentlessly verbally destroy you!!!...
finally....james dobson is at it again...once again longing to be in the spotlight (and i thought envy was a cardinal/deadly sin) dobson (head of focus on the family...as long as that family is heterosexual...continually procreating...and tithing 10% of their annual income to the church)...claimed that obama misinterprets the bible and has a "fruitcake" interpretation of the constitution...this all stemmed from obama's invoking (quite like jed bartlet in the west wing) various quotes from leviticus (the old testament)...in order to make a poignant point about the separation of church and state...dobson had the gall to accuse obama of cherry picking sections of the bible top make a point...GIVE ME A BREAK!!!...dobson does that every day and doesn't he invoke leviticus when discussing how homosexuality is an "abomination"???...face it you religionazi psychopaths...the bible is chock full of statements that are no longer applicable to modern life...i certainly hope that dobson himself does not wear poly-cotton blends...eat shellfish...had his child refuse to go to church on sunday...or played football on sunday...many of these "crimes" are punishable by death...and let's not forget that the old testament was also ok with slavery...maybe one of these days the religious wrong will realize that some of us heathen liberals have actually read our bibles and will stop trying to use it as a cugel against us...not likely though...pleasant dreams...
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Sunday, June 15, 2008
getting caught up
with an incovenient truth playing in the background...it's time to get caught up...in my last post...i made reference to my career life needing a serious makeover...oddly enough...after a couple of weeks...it happened...an old kinko's coworker/good friend...eugene...is the operations manager for the google book search project...i sent him an email virtually a few days after the aforementioned post...telling him that it was time for me to get out of the education biz and he replied that he wanted to meet that week...as it turned out...his daytime operations supervisor had quit an hour before i sent my email...talk about serendipity...so i'm working at google now (albeit i'm only a contractor working for adecco)... without getting into too much detail...i gotta say that google really is an amazing company to work for...aside from working with eugene and another buddy mark again...many of the bennies get passed onto the contractors as well...the cafeterias...as i'm sure many of you have heard are incredible...i really have to watch myself to not get fat (luckily my office mate tirzah...more about her later...has taken on the mission to make sure that doesn't happen...)...i get use of the several gyms scattered about the campus...and the other googlers are very friendly thus far...in other words...i couldn't be happier...plus...it gives me time to actually finish my master's degree and possibly pursue a project management certificate...
in other news...dan has returned from carpentry school in canada...he has suddenly become the definition of six degrees of separation...two of his classmates (in a class of 14 in the middle of podunk, canada) had some seriously close connections to him...one had gone kayaking in reno with our friend scott...and the other has had dinner at his sister's house in new your...talk about small world...another fellow student...an older gentleman named michael...thought he should hook dan up with his daughter...turned out they hit it off like he had guessed AND she has hung out with dan's brother's camp (camp carp) at burning man...i'm telling you...strange occurences are afoot...
there's more to share...but i think i'll pepper it in throughout my posts...with the general election now in full force and the fact that my master's project will likely involve the rhetoric of the debates...i'm going to use this blog as a forum to analyze people's thoughts on this election season...as a rabid reader of the cnn political ticker...this will be a running commentary of people's responses to various political happenings..i'm also hoping that this will force me to be a little more dilligent about this blog...pleasant dreams...
in other news...dan has returned from carpentry school in canada...he has suddenly become the definition of six degrees of separation...two of his classmates (in a class of 14 in the middle of podunk, canada) had some seriously close connections to him...one had gone kayaking in reno with our friend scott...and the other has had dinner at his sister's house in new your...talk about small world...another fellow student...an older gentleman named michael...thought he should hook dan up with his daughter...turned out they hit it off like he had guessed AND she has hung out with dan's brother's camp (camp carp) at burning man...i'm telling you...strange occurences are afoot...
there's more to share...but i think i'll pepper it in throughout my posts...with the general election now in full force and the fact that my master's project will likely involve the rhetoric of the debates...i'm going to use this blog as a forum to analyze people's thoughts on this election season...as a rabid reader of the cnn political ticker...this will be a running commentary of people's responses to various political happenings..i'm also hoping that this will force me to be a little more dilligent about this blog...pleasant dreams...
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