Thursday, September 01, 2005

figure it the f@%$ out

i've been completely inundated with the news coming from the southland...i was listening to the ed schultz show on air america and he was talking about how the governors from each state should be telling bush how many refugees they can handle and let the people of those states take them into their's a noble idea and a logistical nightmare...but someone has to step in and do something about the devastation in that area...of course bush isn't helping much..."it's going to be hard work" and "help is on the way" are not things people in desparate situations need to hear...they need to SEE action and immediately...i'm not entirely sure bush is even human...there isn't an ounce of empathy in that man's black soul...and...ironically...didn't he campaign as a COMPASSIONATE conservative???...i watched videos on cnn about a man who was stuck on his roof trying to hold on to his wife by the wrist then the house split in half and she knew he couldn't hang onto her anymore and her last words were "take care of the kids and grandkids" as she got sucked into the a complete mindfuck...he's going to go to bed with that image emblazoned into the back of his eyelids for the rest of his days...i read stories of people dying right outside the convention center...i can't even imagine the horror and i've been through some pretty terrible areas in latin america...then...the governor of biloxi says that "this is our tsunami"...this may sound callous but give me a break...the tsunami killed nearly a quarter of a million people and virtually wiped out two complete countries...i think he was overstating it a happier's almost labor day and me and the gang are going up to dan's family's cabin in bear valley...i'm in such desperate need of r & r right now...pleasant dreams...

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