Monday, August 18, 2008

hyderabad pt. 5

i've been holed up in my room in hyderabad for the past 6 hours with a heavy case of food poisoning no thanks to my weekend adventure in mumbai (bombay)...the "house boys" were nice enough to cook me up a lunch of white rice with a little curry and yoghurt to help settle my stomach and one of the property managers actually took the broken tv out of my room and replaced it...normally i'd be writing about the fiasco/series of fiascoes involved in our "vacation"...but i'm not at all feeling up to it...i'll get to that later...seeing as the power in my house has been going off and on all day (miraculously though the internet connection from next door has been fine) i basically spent the past several hours reading krissy's blog virtually cover to cover (and actually reading it and not just looking for how often she complains about me)...i don't know if it's the fact that i've been nauseous for the past 2 days...or if it's the cipro (anti food poisoning medication)...or if it's the simple fact that at one point i wouldn't have minded extending this assignment but now i'm ready to go home...but reading krissy's blog truly reinforced why i love her so much...she's truly a beautiful person inside and out...keep in mind that i'm not normally an emotionally open person (except when i'm really worked up about something) fact i didn't even realize that i was such a closed book until a few weeks before i left for hyderabad...

dan's new girlfriend mandy is really into astrology (to the extent that she belongs to a website that allows one to get full on readings)...normally...i'd be fairly skeptical of such things as i've only ever read those generic astrology books you can get at the grocery checkout counter...she did a reading and i'm a scorpio to the max (sun...moon...mercury...neptune all in scorpio)...when i was reciting the reading back to dan...i came across a reference to being "secretive about your feelings" which dan nodded completely in agreement...dan and i have known each other for close to 20 years now and have been through some pretty amazing adventures together so he would know...

back to the point...sitting here in bumfuck, india...with an extremely nauseated stomach...reading krissy's blog...really made me realize how much i love her and miss her...and trust me...i'm certainly no joy to deal with...she's smart...witty...talented...adventurous...funny...loving... outgoing...sarcastic...and beautiful...she even likes cliche as it sounds (and to quote jack nicholson in "as good as it gets") she makes me want to be a better person...i thought that i would have a spiritual reawakening while in india (the birthplace of eastern religion)...but maybe my concept of reawakening was all wrong...maybe i expected it to come from some external force...maybe i expected to visit a temple or mosque and be struck by a bolt of lightening...maybe i expected inspiration from ghandi or mother theresa...but maybe this is my spiritual reawakening...the great zen monk thich nhat hanh says "We really have to understand the person we want to love. If our love is only a will to possess, it is not love. If we only think of ourselves, if we know only our own needs and ignore the needs of the other person, we cannot love"...all i know is that i may not say it nearly often enough...but i look forward to spending many happy years with krissy and raising our child (only an acorn at this point) together...

on a completely random and unrelated side note...indian tv is the bechamel of weaksauces...

pleasant dreams...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What you wrote about Krissy is so sweet. :) I hope you feel better soon.