Friday, August 19, 2005

it's been a while

i've only been blogging for a couple of weeks and i'm already behind...seeing as i'm sitting in my home the dark...killing time before going to see my buddy's band security ... i figured i should post something and quit being so lazy...we finally got the house ready to be put on's the listing ...needless to say those past couple of weeks were completely maniacal and i owe my bro dan so much for making it all come together in such a short period of krissy and i just have to wait until someone makes us an offer...luckily...the new place won't be finished until the end of october so we have some time...but we still don't want our house to just sit here without generating any kind of interest...other than was kind of crazy this week...all of the big wigs were at our corporate offices in chicago which basically meant that the marketing director and myself were in charge...i got a few things i needed to accomplish done...but not as much as i had hoped for...oh'll have to wait until monday...until next time...pleasant dreams...

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