Saturday, August 06, 2005

weekend workout

so i'm sitting here with our living room in complete dissaray wallowing in sweat...not the healthy accomplished feel good about yourself sweat of a hard workout...but the sticky cloying need to scrub yourself with a pumice bar kind of sweat from doing home's baseboards in the master bedroom and new closet doors in all rooms...of with all things in this of the closets in the master bedroom was 2 inches wider than a standard closet...considering we only have this weekend to get the place ready to time for custom jobbers so we wing always i had to enlist the services of my best friend dan...he's kinda like macgyver but without the 80's feathered hair...i can't thank him enough when it comes to his building skills...lucky for him we're moving into a brand new house so we won't be rendering his services again anytime soon...which is good for me because i SUCK at those kinds of things...when most young boys are learning these skills from their fathers...i was afraid to try to help my dad...not that he was abusive or anything like that...let's just say he was a bit of a example...a week before parents would let my sister and i decorate the wasn't a real parents didn't like dealing with the mess of pine needles (and i wonder where i get my bah humbug attitude from) sister and i would decorate the tree and go to sleep that evening...we would wake up the following morning and by some christmas miracle the tree had gone through a magical see my dad was a test analyst for lockheed so he had a very analytical mind...his idea of tree decoration involved the appropriate distribution of trinkets and baubles...of course you couldn't have large ornaments on the outer branches because they weighed them down...those had to go toward the inside...and you couldn't have two of the same color next to each other...and you couldn't have two of the same shape next to each other...and so on and so on...he was this way with many things a result...i have a handful of thumbs when it comes to anything requiring tools...i'm a whiz with a broom though...pleasant dreams...

1 comment:

Kristen said...

it's a good thing you have me to make you decorate the tree now. and don't worry, i won't rearrange the ornaments if you promise not to come up behind me and reload the dishwasher from now on.
love you!